Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your Enrollment Marketing, Guaranteed.

Marketing for k-12 school enrollment can be a tricky task, but the benefits to doing it properly make it necessary. Lately, k-12 schools have made sure to include staff dedicated to marketing and have noticed positive changes. For the Fall of 2021, schools were successful in enrolling the families who applied and retaining enrolled students. […]

Cause Marketing is the Future ofSocial Movements, Here’s Why

Cause marketing offers a mutually beneficial solution for for-profit and non-profit organizations to partner with one another to elevate a social cause or movement. Here are a few takeaways you’ll get from this article: Cause Marketing is a great way for nonprofit & for-profit organizations to grow their businesses and contribute to a social cause.Choosing […]

Social Media Marketing Isn’t Enough…Your Brand Needs a 360 Plan

When you think of digital marketing, what comes to mind? Many people start and stop with social media marketing, but there’s so much more to it. While social media is an important piece of the digital marketing puzzle, it is far from being the most important or most effective piece. Brands should use social media […]

What is Branding and Why Your Business is Suffering Without it. You Can Thank Us Later!

When it comes to business goals, branding is one of the most impactful elements. Here at Flylight Creative, we constantly help businesses improve their branding strategies. Thriving in a digital space is crucial, therefore we make sure each client’s brand makes an impact. EVERY SINGLE CLIENT Why? Because your brand makes a huge statement for […]

How to Market Your Fundraising Campaign

Fundraising is the heart of every nonprofit organization. Take it seriously! If you don’t, you probably won’t reach your goals. Every fundraising campaign should have a carefully thought-out marketing strategy. How you market your campaign can easily make or break it – so plan your fundraising activities wisely. In this article, we’re going to go […]